Charleston-Inspired Punch

Behind The Bar At HUSK

Nothing says “festive” quite like a brimming punch bowl. We took our cue from the fantastic Bar at HUSK and whipped up a giant batch of Charleston Light’s Dragoon Punch inspired by The Junior League of Charleston’s classic entertaining handbook Charleston Receipts.

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Step 1 | Pick A Pretty Vessel

Make like the society doyennes of the Holy City and borrow your grandmother’s best punchbowl or pick up one of your own and start a cheerful new tradition.

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Step 2 | Craft A Retro Ice Mold

Simply line the bottom of a sturdy tube or fancy bundt pan with the fruit and/or herb sprigs of your choice (we like simple lemon slices for this particular recipe) then fill the pan approximately ¾ full of water (distilled or not). Pop it in the freezer overnight, then thaw 10-15 minutes prior to turning out and placing in your punchbowl.

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Step 3 | Try An Heirloom Recipe

IMG_1687_miniAll images property of Michael Kelley and Use only with express permission or licensing from Michael Kelley. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is prohibited.

We adapted this recipe for a cozier crowd (it yielded more than enough for 10 people in addition to rave reviews).

Charleston Light Dragoon’s Punch

Courtesy of The Bar at HUSK

  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 and 1/2 cups fresh lemon juice (approx. 12 lemons)
  • 2 quarts brewed black tea
  • 2 quarts brandy
  • 2 cups rum
  • 1/2 cup peach brandy
  • 3 lemon peels (use a potato peeler or paring knife to cut long ribbons)
  • 3 cups sparkling water

Pour sugar, lemon juice, tea, brandy, rum, peach brandy, and lemon peels in a large punchbowl. Stir until sugar dissolves and chill in refrigerator at least 1 hour.

Add your ice mold and top with sparkling water just prior to serving. Set out small punch, julep or other dainty cups, add a long-handled ladle and you’ve got yourself a party!

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© Pack A Punch: Charleston-Inspired Punchbowl Recipes